God Bless USA

Size: 50×40

Obtained from: Amazon

Drill Type: Round

DMC Included: Yes

Total Colors: 37

Date Started: 5-16-20

Date Finished: 7-1-20

After Completion: Keeping to use as a 4th of July picture.

How Much I Enjoyed This Project: ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

Additional Info:

For some reason, I didn’t realize this painting was so large! I was going to put off working on it until June, but then when I saw it was a 50×40, I decided to start it in May instead!

Turns out that I really had a lot of fun with this piece. I learned that I enjoy scenes that have many small elements to work on throughout. This wasn’t so cluttered that it was unpleasant, but also had enough things to “look forward to” that I never felt bogged down in any part.

Going forward, I’ll consider getting more of these types of scenes.

I was going to use it as a piece for my cube at work for 4th of July, but now we’re working from home until the end of the year. So any plans on seasonal art to hang at work is out the window. Ah well.

Finished Shots

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