Ready for the Ride

Size: 64 x 51

Obtained from: Diamond Art Club

Drill Type: Round, Full Drill

DMC Included: Yes

Total Colors: 46

Date Started: Nov 3, 2020

Date Finished: Feb 21, 2023

After Completion: Will keep, using for holiday decoration

How Much I Enjoyed This Project: ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

Additional Info:

This is a big one! But seeing that the holidays are coming and I have a little vacation time at the end of December, I picked out a piece that I feel I’ll probably be working on for a while.

Update: Over a year later, I have not finished this piece yet. I am ashamed... and yet that's part of the reason I built this log site - to motivate me to work on my diamond painting more. I blame part of it on the fact that I bought a desk I thought would take the place of my diamond painting spot and encourage me to do more crafts. Instead, because I moved my craft station away from my computer, I actually worked on it less.

My goal is now to get some of this rolling and move on to something new! 

Completion update: This took me way too long to finish. I wanted to complete it over the past holidays, but it just didn't happen. I'm glad to finally, finally get it done now. I've purchased a frame for it and hope to use it for a holiday decoration for this year. 

WIP Shots

Finished Shots

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